Has advisor negligence caused you a financial loss? Our legal team has helped countless clients to enforce their rights.

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Advisor Negligence – Your Rights

Today more than ever people and businesses rely on professional advice on a day to day basis. It is so common place we do not think about it but rather think of it as being as routine as a trip to the doctor or dentist.

Because we rely on the expertise of professional advisors on a regular basis we often take for granted that financial advisors, insurance brokers and agents, accountants and lawyers use judgment in determining matters of tremendous consequence. If that judgment is not properly exercised there may be serious consequences.

In the event you suffer financial loss as a result of an advisor’s negligence you may have a claim to compensation.

Some common circumstances which give rise to claims against advisors include: inaccurately completed paperwork, a failure to explain issues and consequences to enable an informed decision, misrepresentations, misappropriation of assets or otherwise failing to account or carry out obligations to act honestly, competently and in your best interests.

If you have suffered a loss owing to another person’s conduct and you wish to investigate your legal options, contact us today for a no obligation consultation.